In 2017, a high-quality review was conducted among researchers to determine the best treatments to help with low-back pain. Among additional treatments this is what the study found:
"...for acute low-back pain, spinal manipulation is recommended as an effective intervention."
"...for chronic low-back pain, manual therapy including spinal manipulation or joint mobilizations are recommended as an effective intervention."
From the same study they also found "...additional interventions recommended by most guidelines also include acupuncture as an effective modality to help treat low-back pain..."
Reference: Wong J, et al. Clinical practice guidelines for the noninvasive managemnet of low back pain: A systematic review by the Ontario protocol for traffic injury management (OPTIMa) collaboration. Eur J Pain. 2017; 21(2): 201-216. doi: 10.1002/ejp.931
In 2018, 26 researchers met on an international stage to form an agreement on how physical activity positively benefits us as we age. Some of what they found is highlighted below:
"Physically active older adults, compared with older inactive adults, show benefits in terms of physical and cognitive function, intrinsic capacity, mobility, muscle pain, risk of falls and fractures, depression, quality of life..."
"...age associated cognitive decline and neurodegeneration (like in Alzheimer's, Dementia) may be slowed or delayed in physically active adults."
"Emerging evidence suggests that the benefits for older adults can be realized at a lower volume and lower intensity than the often-used guidelines of 150min of moderate to vigorous intensity of physical activity per week. However, there is more benefit to a larger volume and intensity of exercise overall.."
Reference: Bangsbo J, et al. Copenhagen consensus statement 2019: Physical activity and ageing. Br J Sports Med. 2019; 53: 856-858. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2018-100451
"Muscle pain is a common and significant clinical problem that accounts for 15% of medical visits...negatively affecting function and participation in [people's] life activities."
"Acupuncture is a non-pharmacological treatment for muscle pain that is commonly used to reduce pain..."
"A course of acupuncture treatment had a significant effect on pain reduction...which was significantly correlated with improvement in physical and emotional well-being, mood and a reduction in disability."
Reference: Gerber LH, Shah J, et al. Dry needling alters trigger points in the upper trapezius muscle and reduces pain in subjects with chronic myofascial pain. J of PMR. 2015; 7(7): 719-720. doi: 10.1016/j.pmrj.2015.01.020
"Low back pain is one of the most common complaints ... and you may wonder where to turn..."
"Since you shouldn't try to diagnose your own back pain, make your first call to a professional who can assess your problem, such as a primary care physician or chiropractor."
" Chiropractors use posture exercises and hands-on [treatment] to relieve back pain, improve function, and help the body heal itself. They often work in conjunction with other doctors, and they can prescribe diet, exercise, and stretching programs."
Reference: Where to turn for low back pain relief. Harvard Health Publishing. Retrieved July 27, 2019 from:
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